Monday, July 07, 2008

Title: Supposed Utopia

An artist couple living together in harmony

Title: Grazing

Title:Land Scape.

Thursday, July 03, 2008



Title:Self Po trait.

Craft Work

Title:Relax With Nature

Title: Find me a Tune.



Title:Parama VasuDeva

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Title:Palace of ham pi, Vijayanagar

Palace Of VijayaNagara Interiors with Imaginary works all over, depicting the presence of victory that the kingdom took along by side during the 14th and 15th century all the way till 16th century. VijayaNagara dynasty was a powerful kingdom controlling the Deccan and the whole of South India including the former territories of cholas and chalukyas.
The horses heaped with Diamonds coming from Golkonda and the Textiles and spices being imported from all over the world, visualized the successful inheritance of the dynasty. KrishnaDevaRaya, the king of Vijyayanagara had a great property of equal justice. Abdul Razak, a Persian Visitor of 15th Century wrote in his review that Hampi, a vast and an in depth experience that his eyes have never such place. The beauty of the place is incomparable.